If you’re looking to achieve the perfect pout with a touch of vibrant shine, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of applying lip gloss to achieve that glossy, glamorous look. From prepping your lips to choosing the right shade and mastering the art of application, we’ve got you covered. So grab your favorite lip gloss and get ready to add some dazzling flair to your makeup routine!

How To Apply Lip Gloss?

Prepping Your Lips

Exfoliate your lips

Before applying lip gloss, it’s essential to exfoliate your lips to remove any dead skin cells and create a smooth canvas for application. You can exfoliate your lips by gently rubbing them with a lip scrub or even a soft toothbrush. This will help get rid of any dryness and ensure that your lips are ready for the glossy finish.

Moisturize your lips

Next, it’s crucial to moisturize your lips to keep them hydrated and prevent them from looking dry or cracked under the lip gloss. You can use a lip balm or a lip moisturizer to achieve this. Apply a generous amount and let it absorb into your lips for a few minutes before moving on to the next step. Well-moisturized lips will provide the perfect base for the lip gloss.

Apply a lip primer

To further enhance the application and longevity of your lip gloss, consider using a lip primer. A lip primer creates a smooth surface and increases the adherence of the lip gloss, making it last longer. Simply apply a thin layer of lip primer to your lips, allowing it to dry completely before moving on to the next step. This extra step can make a significant difference in the overall appearance and wear time of your lip gloss.

Choosing the Right Lip Gloss

Consider your skin tone

When selecting a lip gloss, it’s essential to consider your skin tone to find a shade that complements your complexion. If you have fair skin, lighter shades with pink or peach undertones can work well. For medium skin tones, you can opt for a wider range of shades, including berry tones or nude shades with warm undertones. If you have a darker complexion, deeper shades like plum or burgundy can be stunning. Ultimately, the goal is to choose a lip gloss shade that enhances your natural beauty and adds a touch of color to your lips.

Decide on the finish

Lip glosses come in various finishes, and each one offers a different effect on the lips. There are three main finishes to consider: sheer, shimmery, and high shine. Sheer lip glosses provide a subtle hint of color, giving your lips a natural and effortless look. Shimmery lip glosses contain fine glitter particles that reflect light, adding a touch of sparkle to your lips. High shine lip glosses provide an intense glossy finish, making your lips appear fuller and plumper. Consider your personal preference and the occasion when choosing the finish that suits you best.

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Select the right shade

Choosing the right shade of lip gloss can make all the difference in completing your desired makeup look. If you’re aiming for a natural and everyday look, opt for a shade that closely matches your lip color or is just a shade or two darker. For a bolder statement, feel free to play with brighter or more vibrant shades that match your outfit or mood. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and experiment with different shades to find the perfect one for you.

Applying Lip Gloss

Prepare your lip gloss

Before applying lip gloss, it’s essential to prepare the product itself. Gently shake the lip gloss tube or stir the product with the wand to ensure the formula is well-mixed. This will help distribute the color and shine evenly on your lips. If the lip gloss has a separate lip brush, clean it off with a tissue or a makeup wipe before use to avoid any residue from previous applications.

Start with a clean canvas

To achieve a flawless lip gloss application, it’s important to start with clean and dry lips. Remove any excess lip balm or lip moisturizer with a tissue or cotton pad. This will ensure that the lip gloss adheres properly to your lips and prevents any unevenness or smudging.

Outline your lips

To create a precise and well-defined lip look, outline your lips using a lip liner that matches your natural lip color or the lip gloss shade you’ve chosen. Start from the cupid’s bow and glide the lip liner along the natural shape of your lips. This will act as a guide and prevent the lip gloss from bleeding or feathering outside your lip line.

Start from the center

When applying lip gloss, start from the center of your lips and work your way outwards. This technique ensures that the lip gloss is evenly distributed across your lips and provides a natural-looking finish. Use the wand that comes with the lip gloss or a lip brush if you prefer more precision. Focus on the center of your lips, and then gently blend the gloss outwards towards the corners.

Avoid excessive application

While it may be tempting to apply a thick layer of lip gloss for an ultra-glossy effect, it’s important to remember that less is more. Excessive application can lead to a sticky and messy look, with the lip gloss clumping up and sliding off your lips. Instead, start with a thin layer and gradually build up the intensity if desired, allowing each layer to dry before adding more. This will help you achieve a beautiful, non-sticky shine while ensuring the lip gloss stays put.

Keeping Lip Gloss in Place

Use a lip liner

To prevent your lip gloss from smudging or fading throughout the day, you can use a lip liner as a base. Choose a lip liner that matches the shade of your lip gloss or opt for a clear lip liner that works well with any color. Apply the lip liner all over your lips, not just the outline, before applying the lip gloss. The lip liner will act as a barrier, ensuring that the lip gloss stays within the defined lines and lasts longer.

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Blot excess lip gloss

If you find that your lip gloss looks too shiny or feels too sticky, you can blot off the excess with a tissue. Simply press a tissue gently against your lips after applying the lip gloss to remove any excess product. This will help mattify the finish slightly and reduce any unwanted stickiness, leaving your lips looking more natural and comfortable.

Set it with powder

For a longer-lasting lip gloss application, you can set it with a bit of translucent powder. After applying the lip gloss, take a small powder brush or a clean finger and lightly dab a bit of translucent powder onto your lips. This will help lock in the lip gloss and prevent it from smudging or transferring. However, be careful not to apply too much powder, as it can dull the shine of the gloss.

Adding Extra Shine

Use a clear gloss

If you want to add extra shine to your lip gloss or intensify the glossy finish, you can layer a clear gloss on top. Clear glosses are versatile and can be used on their own or layered over any lip color. Apply a thin layer of clear gloss on top of your lip gloss, focusing on the center of your lips. The clear gloss will catch the light and give your lips an irresistible shine.

Apply over lipstick

Another way to enhance the effect of your lip gloss is to apply it over a lipstick. Start by applying your desired lipstick shade as usual and let it set. Then, apply a layer of lip gloss on top of the lipstick, focusing mainly on the center of your lips. This will give your lips a multidimensional look, allowing the lipstick shade to show through while adding a glossy finish.

Enhancing Lip Gloss Effects

Create an ombre effect

To add some creativity to your lip gloss application, you can create an ombre effect. Choose two lip gloss shades that complement each other or a lip gloss and a liquid lipstick with similar tones. Apply the darker shade to the outer corners of your lips and the lighter shade to the center. Gently blend the colors together using a lip brush or your fingertip. This will create a beautiful gradient effect, making your lips appear fuller and more dimensional.

Experiment with lip liners

Lip liners can be a versatile tool to enhance the effects of your lip gloss. Besides using a lip liner as a base, you can also experiment with creating different shapes and dimensions on your lips. For example, if you want to make your lips look fuller, slightly overline them with a lip liner that matches your natural lip color or the shade of your lip gloss. Alternatively, you can create a subtle contour by using a slightly darker lip liner shade on the outer corners of your lips.

Add dimension with highlighter

To give your lip gloss an extra pop, you can add dimension by applying a touch of highlighter to your cupid’s bow. Choose a highlighter with a subtle shimmer and lightly dab it on the center of your upper lip. This will catch the light and draw attention to your lips, giving them a plumper and more luscious appearance. Remember to blend the highlighter softly, ensuring a seamless transition between your lip gloss and the highlighter.

Maintaining Lip Gloss

Reapply as needed

Lip gloss tends to wear off throughout the day, so it’s important to reapply as needed to maintain the desired shine and color. Carry your chosen lip gloss shade with you for quick touch-ups. Before reapplying, make sure to remove any remaining lip gloss to avoid clumping or unevenness. Simply use a tissue or a cotton pad to gently wipe off the old lip gloss before applying a fresh layer.

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Avoid constant lip licking

While lip gloss can provide a beautiful shine, it may also tempt you to lick your lips more often. Constant lip licking can cause the lip gloss to wear off quickly and may lead to dryness. Instead, try to resist the urge to lick your lips and focus on keeping them moisturized with lip balm or lip moisturizer. This will help maintain the glossy look and prevent your lips from becoming dry or chapped.

Store properly

To ensure the longevity of your lip gloss and prevent it from drying out or spoiling, it’s essential to store it properly. Keep your lip gloss away from direct sunlight or excessive heat, as high temperatures can alter the formula. Store it in a cool, dry place, such as a drawer or a makeup bag. Additionally, make sure to tighten the cap on your lip gloss tightly after each use to prevent air exposure, as this can dry out the product.

Removing Lip Gloss

Use a makeup remover

When it’s time to remove your lip gloss at the end of the day, reach for a gentle makeup remover. Apply a small amount of makeup remover onto a cotton pad and press it against your lips for a few seconds. This will help break down the lip gloss and make it easier to remove. Gently swipe the cotton pad across your lips, removing any remaining lip gloss. Follow up with your regular skincare routine to keep your lips hydrated and healthy.

Try oil-based cleansers

If you’re finding it challenging to remove stubborn lip gloss, especially long-wearing or waterproof formulas, consider using an oil-based cleanser. Oil-based cleansers are effective at breaking down stubborn makeup, including lip gloss. Apply a small amount of oil-based cleanser onto a cotton pad or your fingertips and gently massage it onto your lips. This will help dissolve the lip gloss, making it easier to wipe off. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and follow up with your regular cleansing routine.

Troubleshooting Lip Gloss

Fix uneven application

If you’ve applied your lip gloss and notice that it looks uneven or patchy in certain areas, there’s an easy fix. Take a clean cotton swab or a lip brush and gently blend the lip gloss across your lips, focusing on the areas that need adjustment. This will help smooth out any unevenness and create a more cohesive and uniformed look. Remember to be gentle to avoid removing too much product or smudging the lip gloss outside your lip line.

Deal with feathering

Feathering, also known as bleeding, occurs when the lip gloss starts to spread beyond your lip line, creating a less polished look. To tackle feathering, you can use a lip liner as a barrier. Apply a lip liner that matches your lip color or the shade of your lip gloss along your lip line, slightly overlining if necessary. This will create a border that prevents the lip gloss from spreading outside your lips. Alternatively, you can use a colorless lip liner to achieve the same effect without altering the shade of your lip gloss.


Applying lip gloss can instantly elevate your makeup look, adding shine, color, and dimension to your lips. By following these steps and tips, you can achieve a flawless and long-lasting lip gloss application. Remember to prep your lips, choose the right shade and finish, apply it with precision, and keep it in place throughout the day. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different techniques and products to create the desired effect. With a little practice, your lip gloss application skills will become second nature, and you’ll be ready to shine brightly wherever you go.