So, you’ve finally taken the plunge and got those luscious lip fillers you’ve always dreamed of. Congratulations! Now, the question looming in your mind is how long you have to wait until you can confidently rock your favorite lipstick again. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ll explore the timeline for wearing makeup after lip filler injections, giving you all the essential information you need to keep your pout looking fabulous. With a little patience and some expert advice, you’ll be back to showcasing those stunning lips in no time!


Taking care of your lips after getting lip fillers is crucial to ensure proper healing and maintain the desired results. While it’s natural to be excited to wear makeup after the procedure, it’s important to follow the proper aftercare guidelines. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through each stage of the healing process, provide tips for wearing makeup after lip fillers, and suggest products to avoid. Remember, each person’s healing process may vary, so it’s essential to consult with your cosmetic professional for personalized advice.

Immediate Aftercare

Immediately after getting lip fillers, it’s important to follow certain precautions to allow for proper healing. Here are some immediate aftercare tips to keep in mind:

Avoid touching the treated area

Resist the temptation to touch or massage your lips after the procedure. Your lips may be sensitive and delicate, and excessive touching can lead to irritation or infection. It’s essential to let the filler settle and allow the treatment area to heal naturally.

Avoid excessive pressure on the lips

Refrain from applying excessive pressure to your lips, such as biting into hard foods, kissing forcefully, or using straws. These activities can put strain on the treated area and potentially affect the distribution of the filler.

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Avoid applying makeup immediately

For the first few hours after getting lip fillers, it’s best to avoid applying any makeup on or around your lips. Makeup products can introduce bacteria to the area and hinder the healing process. It’s crucial to give your lips time to recover before applying any cosmetic products.

First 24 Hours

The first 24 hours after getting lip fillers are crucial for the healing process. Here are some guidelines to follow during this period:

Allow the lips to heal

You may experience some swelling, redness, or tenderness immediately after the procedure. It’s important to allow your lips time to heal naturally. Avoid any activities or products that may further irritate or damage the treated area.

Refrain from using any lip products

During this initial healing period, it’s recommended to avoid using any lip products, including lip balms, lipsticks, or lip glosses. These products can introduce bacteria to the area and interfere with the healing process. Let your lips breathe and focus on keeping them moisturized instead.

Avoid rubbing or wiping the lips

While it may be tempting to rub or wipe your lips if you experience any discomfort or dryness, it’s best to avoid doing so. Rubbing or wiping your lips can disrupt the healing process and potentially irritate the treated area. Instead, be gentle with your lips and allow them to heal naturally.

Keep the lips moisturized

Keeping your lips moisturized is crucial during the first 24 hours. Apply a hydrating lip balm or petroleum jelly to keep your lips soft and supple. Avoid products with strong scents or potential irritants, as they may cause discomfort or allergic reactions.

48-72 Hours After Lip Fillers

As you progress through the healing process, you can gradually reintroduce makeup to your routine. Here’s what you need to know during the 48-72 hours after getting lip fillers:

Gradually reintroduce makeup

You can start wearing makeup again after the initial 48-72 hours, but it’s important to do so gradually. Start with minimal makeup and build up as your lips continue to heal. By easing back into your makeup routine, you reduce the risk of irritating the treated area.

Opt for gentle and non-irritating products

When choosing makeup products for your lips, opt for those specifically designed for sensitive skin. Look for formulas that are gentle, moisturizing, and free from potential irritants. Avoid products with strong fragrances, as they may cause discomfort or allergic reactions.

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Apply makeup with caution

When applying makeup to your lips, be gentle and avoid applying excessive pressure. Use a clean makeup brush or sponge to prevent introducing bacteria to the treated area. If you experience any discomfort or notice any adverse reactions, remove the makeup immediately and consult with your cosmetic professional.

One Week after Lip Fillers

After one week, you can fully resume your makeup routine and enjoy experimenting with different lip products. Here are some guidelines to consider during this stage:

Fully resume makeup routine

At this point, you can fully resume your regular makeup routine and explore different lip products. However, it’s still important to prioritize the health and well-being of your lips. Be mindful of the ingredients in your lip products and ensure they are suitable for sensitive skin.

Choose lip products wisely

When selecting lip products, opt for those that are hydrating, nourishing, and formulated for sensitive skin. Look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid, which can help retain moisture and enhance the plumpness of your lips. Consider consulting with your cosmetic professional for personalized product recommendations.

Consult with the cosmetic professional

Throughout the healing process, it’s crucial to stay in touch with your cosmetic professional. If you have any concerns or questions regarding wearing makeup after lip fillers, don’t hesitate to reach out for guidance. They can provide personalized advice based on your specific needs and ensure you achieve the best possible results.

Tips for Wearing Makeup after Lip Fillers

When it comes to wearing makeup after lip fillers, there are a few additional tips to keep in mind:

Use a clean makeup brush or sponge

To prevent introducing bacteria to the treated area, make sure to use a clean makeup brush or sponge when applying makeup. Regularly clean and sanitize your makeup tools to minimize the risk of infection or irritation.

Avoid matte lipsticks initially

Matte lipsticks can be drying and may accentuate any dryness or flakiness on your lips. It’s best to avoid matte formulas initially and opt for moisturizing or satin finishes instead. As your lips fully heal, you can gradually introduce matte lipsticks if desired.

Consider lip liner for added definition

If you’d like to enhance the shape and definition of your lips, consider using a lip liner. Lip liners can help create crisp lines and prevent your lip products from bleeding or feathering. Choose a shade that matches your natural lip color or the lipstick you plan to wear for a seamless look.

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Products to Avoid

While it’s exciting to experiment with different lip products, there are some products that you should avoid after getting lip fillers:

Harsh lip products

Avoid using lip products that contain harsh ingredients, such as alcohol, menthol, or fragrances. These can cause dryness, irritation, or allergic reactions, which may hinder the healing process and affect the longevity of your lip fillers.

Long-lasting lipsticks

While long-lasting lipsticks can be convenient, they can also be drying and may exacerbate any dryness or discomfort you experience after getting lip fillers. It’s best to stick with moisturizing or hydrating formulas that provide nourishment to your lips.

Exfoliating scrubs or masks

In the early stages of healing, it’s important to avoid using exfoliating scrubs or masks on your lips. These products can be too harsh and may irritate the treated area. Instead, focus on keeping your lips moisturized and allow them to heal naturally.

Irritating lip plumpers

Avoid using lip plumping products, especially those containing irritating ingredients such as cinnamon or cayenne pepper, after getting lip fillers. These products can cause discomfort, excessive swelling, or even allergic reactions. Opt for natural lip plumping techniques, such as gentle massage or using a lip balm with plumping properties.

Additional Precautions

In addition to following the aftercare guidelines and avoiding certain products, there are a few extra precautions you should take:

Follow post-care instructions

Your cosmetic professional will provide you with specific post-care instructions tailored to your individual needs. It’s important to follow these instructions diligently to ensure proper healing and achieve the best possible results.

Protect lips from sun exposure

After getting lip fillers, it’s crucial to protect your lips from sun exposure. Apply a lip balm with SPF regularly and consider wearing a wide-brimmed hat or using a lip sunscreen when spending prolonged periods outdoors. Sun exposure can lead to premature aging and affect the longevity of your lip fillers.

Avoid activities that may impact lip fillers

During the healing process, it’s essential to avoid activities that may impact the positioning or distribution of the lip fillers. These activities include excessive stretching of the lips, dental procedures, and facial massages. If you have any concerns or need to undergo any procedures, consult with your cosmetic professional beforehand.

Consulting with a Professional

Throughout the entire healing process and beyond, it’s important to seek advice from your cosmetic professional. They have the expertise and knowledge to guide you through the aftercare process and answer any questions or concerns you may have. If you experience any unexpected symptoms or are unsure about wearing makeup after lip fillers, don’t hesitate to reach out to them for support and guidance.


Wearing makeup after lip fillers requires careful consideration and adherence to proper aftercare guidelines. It’s crucial to prioritize the healing process of your lips and ensure they receive the necessary care and attention. By following the recommended aftercare steps, gradually reintroducing makeup, and choosing suitable lip products, you can enjoy the benefits of lip fillers while maintaining the health and appearance of your lips. Remember to consult with your cosmetic professional for personalized advice and recommendations throughout the healing process.